Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is Not about a "Conversation" nor about "Opinions"; it is about Fact, Law and Constitutional Rights.

If one is a Port Townsend Council Member or running for council. It is not about having a conversation on some issues, it is simply about will you obey the law and our constitutional rights Period?

This is not about Opinion, nor about some "conversation".  Nor is it about being civil or not being civil. It is SIMPLY, Lawfully, and Constitutionally about accountability, transparency, and upholding the law, the bill of rights and the constitution.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is breaking the law. The Port Townsend Paper Mill is violating the clean air act. And it is the duty of a councilman elect or a council member to defend the rights of the citizens period. And that is not based on Opinion nor Conversation to convince anyone what our rights are.  They are clear fact.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is violating your constitutional right to clean air, clean water, and clean soil.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is violating the Bill of Rights.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill has gotten massive grants, hand outs, free water, tax credits and all to provide those 300 jobs, which is 1% of the population of Jefferson County. However, if those folks with those jobs got all the grants and hand outs the mill has gotten or even SOLD the water the mill uses daily, they would have way more money then they do now and without being exposed to massive KNOWN toxins or even having to go to work everyday.

We do not need to necessarily REPLACE the Port Townsend Paper Mill. There will be plenty of industry here, and no need for large greedy corporation who get hand outs, create toxin air water and soil and violation our constitutional rights.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is NOT using modern technology to clean their emissions and the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County are NOT making them.  They will not spend the money unless they are forced to.

The City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, the DOE and Jefferson County Healthcare coddle, enable and pave the way for the Port Townsend Paper Mill to break the law and violate the constitution. They disguise it, cover it up and flat out lie about it's existence. And all to enrich a greedy corporation and it's insatiable shareholders.

This is NOT about having a constructive or even a civil conversation. It is about being willing to actually enforce law and constitutional rights period.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is spewing known Toxins

Jefferson County Health and local Doctors know this, as many have left town due to massive health risks and concerns. It is time for accountability and to STOP violation the rights of citizens and tourists breathing, not just smelly air, but ammonia and other toxins and fine particles that cause damage to lungs and other human organs.

This on top of the massive water issue and total lack of respect for soil, fisheries, marine life, emergency drought conditions and air quality.

Air Quality LAW and Constitutional Rights

The Port Townsend Paper Mill affects the ozone layer, and emissions really do affect climate change. This is pure fact and science. So why not stand up to them and get them out of your community.

Jobs is NO Excuse. TOXIC Jobs that harm others NEED to NOT be here or anywhere. There are thousands if not millions of non-Toxic ways to create, generate and stimulate economy / money.

Emission standards are legal requirements governing air pollutants released into the atmosphere. Emission standards set quantitative limits on the permissible amount of specific air pollutants that may be released from specific sources over specific time frames. They are generally designed to achieve air quality standards and to protect human health.

However, it takes local politicians, authorities, governing bodies to actually have the balls 
and the backbone to enforce those laws in order for them to actually protect the citizens 
in any given area.

The Clean Air Act is LAW that is to ensure our right to have SAFE Air To Breath

Summary of the Clean Air Act
42 U.S.C. §7401 et seq.
Section 112 of the Clean Air Act addresses emissions of hazardous air pollutants.

Clean Air Act (United States)

You have a Right to CLEAN Air.

It is NOT Good Enough that the Port Townsend Mill is monitoring itself. That is simply more protection for the mill. The City of Port Townsend is very powerful in this, as is Jefferson County. Yet folks, such as Paul Rice, candidate for city council, seem to think that it is about Opinion and to have a platform for conversation. It is not. It is about Obeying the Law and Upholding our Constitutional Rights and in this day and age also about taking Climate Change SERIOUS.

Information on a Community Bill of Rights

Our Washington Governor Said it is the LAW that we have Clean Air

The State of Washington take Climate Change serious or are trying to as we see below

  Port Townsend Paper= 611,864 tons per year of CO2e

Washington Gov. Proposes Major Carbon Tax To Fund Pressing Transportation Needs

"Inslee hopes to fund the $12 billion plan with bonds, fees and a carbon charge on the state's industrial polluters. The market-based carbon pollution charge will generate $7 billion over 12 years, he said. The fee will generate the equivalent of a 12 cent gas tax without hurting consumers, he said."

"All of this can be done with "a new and bold idea that will breathe new life" into the state - the polluter's fee, he said.

"We can clean our air and water at the same time we are fixing our air and our roads," he said. "It is indeed a two-for."

Source and Full Article

Port Townsend Paper is NOT above the LAW
Expose all people who are aiding and abetting them to 

File Charges against ALL acting in conspiracy 
to Obstruct Justice.


Air Pollution Control Act
"The act declared that air pollution was a danger to public health and welfare"

You have a Right to Know what you are Breathing. Yet the EPA, the DOE, and Jefferson County keep that information on the down low. They have toxic readings and they do nothing. All citizens can do is call the DOE and complain then the DOE calls the perpetrator and nothing is done.

Know More of your Community Right To Know

Community Rights Over Corporate Power!
Plain and Simple

NOT Legal Advice, Simply Information

Cause of Action (Laws, Legal Grounds to Sue On)

FOLKS, you have a Right to Clean Air, Clean Soil, Clean Water.

18:1964, Racketeering (RICO) Act

Duty of Care; Breach of Duty

Negligence Tort, Professional Negligence

Civil Rights Violation

Federal Water Pollution Control Act

Clean Water Act

Clean Air Act

Bill of RIghts

Environmental Quality Act

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966),
the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (1966)

State Constitutional Violations, US and WA

Right to Quiet Enjoyment, your right to enjoy your property.

You pay city, county and state taxes to Be POISONED?

The Paper Mill gets tax breaks, hand outs, grants and more Corporate Welfare.

Washington Environmental Law Resource Links

YOU are in CHARGE of Community Rights. YOU the PUBLIC.

However you have to STAND up and tell the Port Townsend Paper Mill, the DOE, the EPA, Jefferson County and the City of Port Townsend that you will NOT stand for your air, water and soil to be poisoned, PERIOD.

If you do nothing, say NOTHING, then NOTHING Changes



Links to Research on Air Quality and Constitutional Rights

a FEW Research Links on Legal Action Against a Paper Mill

Everett sues Kimberly-Clark over condition of mill site

Glatfelter faces $5 million lawsuit over emissions


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