Thursday, December 18, 2014

(MTX) According to the Washington's Governor our "right" to Clean Air, is LAW. "the state’s major polluters" YA YOU Port Townsend Paper. You are going to PAY for all the Roads and Bridges in Washington. The EPA and the Washington Department of Ecology, as well as your "Commissioner" and local Paper all covering for you, well those days are soon to end. The TRUTH will SOON replace the LIE. And clean air will replace the Toxic Air you are serving us up.

Our Washington Governor Said it is the LAW that we have Clean Air

"Gov. Inslee Wants To Cap And Tax Emissions From Washington State’s Major Polluters"
"Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has big plans for carbon reductions in his state, as outlined in climate change and transportation proposals announced by the governor’s office this week.

On Tuesday, Inslee announced a proposed tax on the carbon emissions for Washington’s major polluters. The proposal, which is part of Inslee’s transportation plan, would force major polluters in the state’s oil and gas industry to pay for the carbon they emit. The revenue gathered from the carbon tax, according to Inslee’s office, would total about $4.8 billion over the next 12 years — about the same amount as would be raised by a 12-cent increase in the state’s gas tax."

"As part of the plan, the state’s major polluters — the “relatively small number of businesses” that, according to the governor’s office, are responsible for 85 percent of the state’s emissions — would have their emissions capped. Over time, that cap will be lowered, as a way to prod the businesses to transition to cleaner, more efficient energy sources."

"“I believe it’s our destiny to lead in clean energy. Washington may be less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the world’s population, but we’re number one in the world in software, in aerospace, in apples, in online retailing,” Inslee said in a statement Wednesday. “We can choose cleaner air, more efficient cars and a better transportation system. We can choose energy independence. We have a choice in our future, and we’re choosing to take action.”

These proposals aren’t yet a done deal: they’ll be introduced to the state’s legislature in 2015. But if they are approved, they would serve as a step toward Washington’s goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The proposals follow a April 2014 executive order by Gov. Inslee to reduce the state’s carbon emissions and increase its use of renewable energy."

A Governor Hell Bent on Clean Air Rights; WOW
BAD News for Mineral Technologies Inc. (MTX)

Executive Orders, Law, Tax; How will Port Townsend Paper and Mineral Technologies stay in business? Well they will lie and the Washington Dept. of Ecology insider(s) will cover for them as well as the Washington EPA and the Port Townsend Commissioners. Oh and the Port Townsend Leader will report on the LIE as if it were the TRUTH and WaLa Magic Happens and you breath poison, get sick and are forced to leave Port Townsend.

Port Townsend Paper, AMCOL, Mineral Technology's paper plant in the state of Washington emits 1.6 times as much CO2 as ALL other sources in Jefferson County Washington. 

Make sure that this is reported often. They will most likely pay for all the roads and bridges in the state as clearly they are a HUGE offender.

"Port Townsend Paper= 611,864 tons per year of CO2e"

Those who work at the mill now can still work there another 20 years in clean up for good pay. So time to Shut Down the Toxic Air Factory and start the cleanup.

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